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Career news and advice
‘Tell me about yourself’: fielding the ultimate interview question
When preparing for an interview for that job you’ve set your heart on, there’s one question that crops up time and again: “Tell me a bit about yourself”. Although this question seems straightforward, it catches out candidates time and again. We will discuss how you can tackle this question to impress your interviewer.
About CIBSE Journal Jobs
CIBSE Journal Jobs is the jobs website for CIBSE Journal and the official job board for CIBSE, the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers. It is published and operated by Redactive Media Sales Limited.
Our aim is to help CIBSE members and non-members find jobs and recruit appropriate staff. We cover both permanent and interim positions in all areas of building services, from junior posts to senior roles. Our goal is to put the right employer in touch with the right potential employee as efficiently as possible.
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